Becoming LOVE

To become love means to connect your heart with the heart of the cosmos and live from that space.  To live in love means to Be in love.  To Be in love means to love your self.

This past week, I have begun to recommit to myself; to give myself love because I want to Be in love, I want to give love and I want to receive it.  Today I want to share how I have been able to easily and naturally bring self-love further into my life.

I have this practice of waking up in the morning, meditating, then writing out what I want in all of the areas of my life.  I then change the format from desire to affirmation, and write them down on a notecard.

Only, I had dropped this practice for the past few months.  At first, this was a conscious decision to ensure I wasn’t getting stuck in routine, and it felt good to have a break.  But the practice slipped away so I am bringing it back.  When I first started writing my morning affirmations, all of my dreams would seemingly miraculously manifest into my reality!  So, in my current endeavor into loving myself more, it seemed fitting that this is the best place to start.  Why?  Because loving myself means transforming my life in a way that will allow my soul to be nurtured and thrive, and I know how effective this method is in transforming my reality at lightning speed!

Here is how you can incorporate the magic of affirmations into your life in the way that I have:

  1. Dedicate a little journal to be your goal book.
  2. Set aside time every morning to open to a new page and write down you goals in these six areas of your life.







3. Then pull out a notecard and write something like, “I am so happy and grateful that I…” at the top.

4. Change the goals from desire to affirmation.  For example, if your goal is to spend more time in nature, you would write “I am so happy and grateful that I spend so much time in nature”.

5. List all affirmations.

6. Pull the notecard out and read it to yourself whenever you remember throughout the day.  I try to read it at least twice after I have written it in the morning.

7. I like to sign the card at the end of the day, because I feel like it helps me to further commit to myself.

**it’s not necessary to write out all goals every single day, as some may stay the same for a while, but I do think it’s important to write out the notecard every day.  It’s a good idea to go through and re-evaluate the goals at least every month.**


My morning affirmations are an act of self-love in and of themselves, but also drive me toward more ways for me to love myself.  I wasn’t planning on sharing my personal affirmations, but I think it will be useful to give an example, and I have nothing to hide, right?  So here are my affirmations for this morning.

I am so happy and grateful that I…

*spend so much time in nature and exercising my body in a loving way

*read so many books and have a successful business

*am calm, determined, and full of love

*have time for self-love, soul nurturing, and my morning ritual

*am thriving in community

*am financially thriving as a medical intuitive and in all of my endeavors


In the short time that I have been getting back into my affirmations, I have found myself subconsciously committing acts of love for myself.  I canceled work because I haven’t been well and wanted to rest.  I took a nap.  I lay by a creek in the sunshine.  I gave myself a steam.  I embraced the truth that I am worthy and deserving of pleasure.

I look forward to transforming all of the ways I can be unloving and unkind to myself into devotional acts of love for Self.

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