Arthur, Arcturian: Leader of the Pod

Dolphin knows, dolphin flows

The Light of the Kingdom with power does glow

Shifting and shaping one form to the next

Gilding and gliding on waters of gold

Original state, Innocence, Love

Bubbles up through the portal, puts us in power

To rain down like a shower, the mirror foretold

Revealing intrinsisity from one to the other,

the other to All, and All to the One.

Arthur, Arcturian, leads the Procession

Anointing Gentle Kings and Brother Protectors.

Lovers, Grounders, Supporters, Igniters,

the Cherubs will be as they herald the future.

Hologram sparks to be seen in the light

We rise to new paradigm, model Divine.

Centrifuge casts off the old and its blights.

Wounded creatures take flight, wings heal and align.

The pod’s loving support keep us above water,

Nursing healers and mothers so we can fly again,

Bathe in waters which rejuvenate and invigorate

“Go in peace, sister, and return again,”

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