Fruit For The Holy Days

This week I exchanged a reading with Chelsea of Akash Creative.  Being that we are amidst the “sugar season” (starting around Halloween and lasting until the winter holidays), we looked at the way that sugar was affecting us, body brain and spirit.  Most of what I saw in her is similar or very close to the way that sugar affects all of us, so I feel it is important to share this information.

When I looked at Chelsea at the cellular level, I saw sugar weakening her cell walls, which was weakening her immune system on the larger scale.

Sugar deposits sat on her brain like corrosion on a car battery.  Certain parts of her brain fire too fast when she consumes sugar, compromising other parts and leaving her brain unbalanced.  When she chooses to consume sugar, she becomes stuck in a cycle in which her body becomes dependent upon it, and needs it to get her going in the way that a car with a corroded battery needs a jump start.

Our bodies do not know what to do with all of the sugar that we consume in the modern day. Chelsea was storing her extra sugar from throughout the years in her neck and shoulders, which were becoming inflamed and sore and there was a lot of inflammation in her tonsils.

One of her strands of DNA was extremely weakened from sugar and on the verge of disappearing altogether.  Sugar cane was put on our planet from beings that are not of the Earth, in order to alter our DNA, and cause us to be ungrounded.  When we are grounded, we are safe and connected and in our power.  So, consuming sugar causes us to leave this safe space and become more easily controlled.

When I looked at Chelsea’s body as whole, I saw her aura dim and lose it luster and brightness.

I looked at what sugar was doing to her emotions, and was made aware of the viscous cycle that ensues when she consumes sugar.  Depending on the amount of intake and the environmental circumstances, sugar can breed anything from slight irritation to full-blown rage.  I saw that Chelsea has a tendency to eat sugar out of stress or irritation, and then feels irritated from the sugar and irritated at herself that she chose to consume a substance that she knows she doesn’t needs.  This leads to more sugar consumption, heightened irritation, and the cycle perpetuates.

I did my best to stay neutral and look at the positive things that can come from sugar consumption.  I was having a hard time imagining that anything good can come from this substance, but then the picture in my mind focused and became clear, to show me a banana!

I read that the sugar that comes from fruit, if taken in moderation, can lift Chelsea into a blissful state in which she can more easily connect with God.

In today’s times when water is polluted with plastics, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, fluoride and more, fruit is a great source of hydration.

Abstaining from sugar in the form of refined sugar, honey, maple syrup, agave, artificial sweeteners, etc., and instead consuming fruit in moderation, is how we can actually repair our DNA.  Fructose in its pure form as whole, organic fruit, knows how to repair our DNA strand which has been damaged by processed sugar, since it is similar in its chemical makeup.

I think this particular point is absolutely key!  We have been born this time around as human beings, and for a reason.  It is important that we stay grounded and keep this DNA strand from slipping away, and now we know how.


There were a few things that Chelsea saw which really stuck with me.  When she looked at my brain, she saw a section in the back of my head firing really strong when I consumed sugar, and heard the words “impulse center”, or “impulse control”.  So, when I consume sugar, I become more impulsive.  I have been struggling with impulsiveness lately, so this was a really valuable piece for me.

The other image that struck a cord with me was that of a dry desert.  Chelsea told me that sugar has a drying effect on the body, like desert sand.  It is obvious that sugar does not have any nutritional value, but what Chelsea saw in this image was that it actual pulls nutrients from our bodies and makes it more difficult for our bodies to absorb nutrients.

With this reading, I feel empowered to take on the holiday season with strength and knowing.  And I look forward to finding creative ways to bake with fruit and nut meals instead of sugar and flour.

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